Thursday, September 8, 2016


Are you a coffee drinker?
We're going to a coffee festival next weekend so I felt the calling on my caffeinated heart to blog about coffee. Signs are going up around town for the infamous "pumpkin spice latte" which is still a little too early to get- but makes me excited for Fall. 
This post is going to be pretty simple and sweet. Coffee is good. 

When we first got married, buying matching coffee cups was a BIG deal to us. These were the ones we decided on. 

Our favorite coffee spot in NYC. The coffee is so delicious and they put pretty swirly designs on top. 

Fun facts about coffee in America.  

New Yorkers drink almost 7 times more coffee than other cities in the US! 

Have you ever tried chocolate with your coffee? My in-laws started me on it- now my parents do it. It will have yourself thinking, why have I not done this before? 

Jennifer Aniston's shining moments serving coffee.

One of the reasons I think I enjoy coffee so much are the moments that come with it. Meeting that friend you haven't seen in awhile over a cup of coffee, getting up early and having quiet time, putting on a HUGE pot of coffee when you're having family get-togethers. It brings good conversation, memories, and laughs.   

Enjoy a cup of joe this weekend with someone you love.

medium latte with a side of chocolate please,

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