Monday, February 6, 2017

positive vibes

Winter blues anyone?
I get them every year around this time. Going on 4 months of wearing the ugly puffer coat is starting to wear on me. Although I'm more than excited for Spring, I'm going to wait patiently, because this day, today, can be the best day ever! Not that day in a few months when it will be Spring and 75 degrees and we can skip through the park like we're in La La Land, it can't wait till then. 
It has to start! 
A positive attitude, the right mindset, a joyful heart and kind words. 

The heart of life is good. 

This woman is so cute, so amazing, and so inspiring!  

This coffee mug might be a good way to start the day. 
If you are battling the cold weather and shopping for a cute puffer coat, here are a few good options.

Have a positive start to the week, smile, and love yourself a little more, 

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