Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ode to Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton. The woman is 70 years old and still has it going on. The pearls, the turtlenecks, the men's trousers, her movies, she's timeless. When I see her outfits it makes me re-consider my whole wardrobe.

Epitome of chic.

She's a huge movie star, but you feel like you know her. When you watch her in movies, she reminds you of someone in your family, but only dresses better.

Recipe for her outfits: If it's not black, white, or neutral, don't wear it. 

I have made up several hypothetical scenarios me and Diane would have if we were friends.

Scenario #1: Diane and I fly to Paris, buy baguettes, cheese and wine at the corner bodega and whoops...we accidentally bump into Jack Nicholson and we all wind up sharing boeuf bourguignon in the Eiffel Tower.

Scenario #2: Every Saturday morning we meet for coffee and read our scripts for the next Woody Allen movie we're both featured in. Oh what a life to be friends and work together -- me and Diane. All of this happening while drinking our lattes in black turtlenecks.

Scenario #3: Diane's family and mine always spend Christmas together. Diane and I go shopping together the week before at Ralph Lauren to buy black and white plaid matching skirts with a crisp white button up.

Her book, Then Again, is a great read.  
If you don't have a turtleneck and need one.

Top 3 Diane Keaton Movies
1. Father of the Bride
2. Annie Hall
3. Something's Gotta Give

Diane, you're some kind of wonderful!

pearls and penny loafers,

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

things that actually work

People recommend stuff all the time. But do they work? We are in a information overload world! One day bananas are good for you, the next day they're not. This blog for example, did I really need to put a blog out there while so many other people are doing the same thing? Yes I did, and I'd appreciate it if you'd keep reading it. :) Really, thank you for reading my blog. Here are a few of my favorite things that I find to actually work.

Getting avocados to ripen quicker by putting them in a paper bag. 

Essential Oils! They are very popular, and there's a reason why. They work! Burns, sore throat, sore muscles, headaches. I bought these.
These look amazing and so pretty.  

Using cheap hair products works just as good as using the expensive ones. 

Old School
New School
Vaseline! The miracle product. It can be used in numerous ways. 
Before going to bed, rub it on your feet, put a pair of socks on and sleep the night away. Your feet with feel brand spankin' new in the morning. 

Yoga! Especially if you have a desk job, your body will thank you! Benefits of yoga. 

Listening to any Stevie Wonder song will put you in a better mood. 

What is something that works for you?  

lavender oil and rave hairspray, 

Monday, July 25, 2016

the heat

Alright, it's hot! The air is thicky thick thick in NYC right now! Heat advisors are out and about and the heat is being described as "inescapable." Yikes. And I know my Texas people aren't even wearing make up because it just sweats right off.

7 ways to beat the heat right now

1. Go to the movies! Cafe Society and Ghostbusters are on my list to see.
2. Eat ice everyday. Or make this crowd pleaser. (Hunter Hames is the king of this recipe)
3. Play in the sprinkler! Do kids still do this? They have definitely gotten more fancy than when I was kid.
4. Wear a loose dress that doesn't cling to you whatsoever.
5. Live in these and keep them on repeat so they feel better with each wear.
6. Have spa water ready at all times to stay hydrated and makes it a little more fun to drink water. Who says you have to be at a spa to have fancy water?

7. Or just go with it! Go to an outdoor concert, get all sweaty and enjoy the heat of the night!

Fall and Winter are just around the corner and will be here soon, until then, this video made me laugh.

Stay inside and blast that A/C so you can get a $400 electric bill and watch this movie! 

Have a good start to the week and stay cool! 

sweat stains and birkenstocks,

Thursday, July 21, 2016

mickey mouse pancakes

When I'm sick my dad says, "Go make your self some pancakes and you'll feel better." There's just something about pancakes that make people feel happy and satisfied. The butter, the syrup, the fluff. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner...they feed the soul. 

My mom made us Mickey Mouse pancakes growing up. Pancakes are good round, but make them in the shape of Mickey and they taste a little better.

I do not use food coloring enough! It is so fun! 

Add blueberries, strawberries, bananas on top to add some sort of nutrition

My dad needs this shirt.

Jack Johnson singing about those amazing banana pancakes. 

3 ingredient pancake recipe. 
My sister recommends this mix.
Or just stick to what has always worked, Aunt Jemima. Ain't nothing wrong with that! 

This post is dedicated to Tess Cutler, who is a pancake lover and ate 10 pancakes at the age of 2.
Have a great weekend and make some pancakes! 


the core

At work recently we had a staff retreat and the focus was on the core values of the organization, what we're about and how to incorporate these values into our work. It got me thinking about my core and the core of others. I think it's pretty important and healthy to have core values that we stand for, live by, and have hope in. These values help guide us through life and help keep us on the path. When we have a clear view of what our values are, it's easier to say YES or NO to things and people that don't fall within our "core." I found myself needing a little bit of a refresher on my core. Yes there are my main ones, but I could definitely work on the others and get better at being intentional with them. 

What about you? Do you find yourself needing a core to live by, boundaries or parameters in your life, or do you just run around like a wild hog! That's how I would be if I didn't have mine! 

A wise teacher once told me, "you do what you do, and don't do what you don't do." Pretty black and white when you put it that way.

If you aren't sure what yours are, it's never too late to start searching for them now. Take time to reflect and find out what is important to you.  This article defines values pretty good and how to identify yours.

Made me laugh. 

listen, praise, intentional, relational, attitude,

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

working on my fitness

How's your summer fitness routine looking?

Summertime workouts for me consist of running outside and taking indoor classes to mix things up. Thanks to Classpass and Groupon for having affordable options. Lookup your city and see what they have to offer. I love classes and think I workout harder when in a class with people and an instructor vs. myself at home. (Classpass is offering $19/month for first timers--such a good deal considering 1 workout class costs $20-$30!! and it's month to month so you can cancel anytime you want)

Do you belong to a gym, take classes every now and then, stick to the great outdoors to get your sweat on? Or do you get your 10,000 steps walking around your office like a maniac going to the bathroom 55 times a day?

If you like working out in the comfort of your home, Popsugar has some great fitness workout videos. My favorite, Jennifer Aniston's yoga workout. It's a quick 10 minute workout when you don't have much time.

Old Navy has ramped up their activewear style I must say. I have these and get so many compliments.

Crazy/interesting article about Soul Cycle.

Remember this? Did your mom ever workout to "The Firm?" This is too funny watching it now, but at the time I couldn't wait to be older to wear a unitard and workout in a studio with fresco paintings and concrete statues in the background. Where in the world is this studio!? Does it exist!

Whatever your workout style is, I hope you get enjoyment and a good sweat on. Have fun with your workouts, change it up every now and then and keep it fresh. Working out shouldn't be torture. Find what works.

Are there any workouts you've been wanting to try or want me to try for you? Ha! Yoga, Barre, Zumba?

sweat bands and burpees,

*This post is NOT sponsored by Old Navy because they have no idea this blog exists...yet! 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

wear sunscreen

"Wear Sunscreen", is an essay written as a hypothetical commencement speech by columnist Mary Schmich. The essay became the basis for a successful spoken word song released in 1999 by Baz Luhrman, an Australian film director, "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)", also known as "The Sunscreen Song." 

On this M
onday morning, find truth and love throughout your day. With all that is going on in the world, there is so much good to be talk
ed about and praise to be given. Compliment your co-workers, buy the homeless man a cup of coffee, walk away from gossip and smile more!


Cover up more on the beach


Oh, and wear sunscreen.

Here's a checklist to his speech, just a little somethin' somethin' to tape on your bathroom mirror.

My favorite sunscreen. 

patience and love, 