Thursday, July 21, 2016

the core

At work recently we had a staff retreat and the focus was on the core values of the organization, what we're about and how to incorporate these values into our work. It got me thinking about my core and the core of others. I think it's pretty important and healthy to have core values that we stand for, live by, and have hope in. These values help guide us through life and help keep us on the path. When we have a clear view of what our values are, it's easier to say YES or NO to things and people that don't fall within our "core." I found myself needing a little bit of a refresher on my core. Yes there are my main ones, but I could definitely work on the others and get better at being intentional with them. 

What about you? Do you find yourself needing a core to live by, boundaries or parameters in your life, or do you just run around like a wild hog! That's how I would be if I didn't have mine! 

A wise teacher once told me, "you do what you do, and don't do what you don't do." Pretty black and white when you put it that way.

If you aren't sure what yours are, it's never too late to start searching for them now. Take time to reflect and find out what is important to you.  This article defines values pretty good and how to identify yours.

Made me laugh. 

listen, praise, intentional, relational, attitude,

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