Wednesday, July 13, 2016

make up your bed

Which of these beds would you rather crawl into after a long day?

Yes, you may have to sacrifice an extra 1-2 minutes out of your morning to do this small task, but it's so worth it! I've been making up my bed since I was young, and out of the power of habit, I'm still doing it at the age of 29 (I even go as far as ironing my pillow cases- call me crazy but I think I sleep better with a smooth, wrinkle-free pillow case). There are many successful people who make their beds and some even say it can lead to a more productive day.

U.S. Naval Admiral William H. McRaven gave a powerful speech at the 2014 University of Texas Commencement advising graduates, "in order to change the world, start with making up your bed."

Martha Stewart makes her bed everyday. See why here.

how to on folding a fitted sheet. One of the most frustrating things ever but this guy makes it look easy.

Have you seen this scene in Along Came Polly? This is for those of you who are anti-bed makers.

Do you make up your bed? I'm sure it will make your mama happy if you do!

Put this song on, fluff those pillows, and get that bed made.

ironed pillow cases and clean sheets,


  1. Girl I never heard of ironing my pillow cases but you best believe I'm going to have to try it now!

  2. It can make a $2 pillow case feel like a $200 pillow case! You're going to feel so classy

  3. I feel better walking out of the bedroom with a pretty bed!!

  4. I've gots to do better!!! Love this article. I'm going to read all of your articles!

    1. Please read all of them so I know at least 1 other person is reading them other than me!!
