Monday, July 25, 2016

the heat

Alright, it's hot! The air is thicky thick thick in NYC right now! Heat advisors are out and about and the heat is being described as "inescapable." Yikes. And I know my Texas people aren't even wearing make up because it just sweats right off.

7 ways to beat the heat right now

1. Go to the movies! Cafe Society and Ghostbusters are on my list to see.
2. Eat ice everyday. Or make this crowd pleaser. (Hunter Hames is the king of this recipe)
3. Play in the sprinkler! Do kids still do this? They have definitely gotten more fancy than when I was kid.
4. Wear a loose dress that doesn't cling to you whatsoever.
5. Live in these and keep them on repeat so they feel better with each wear.
6. Have spa water ready at all times to stay hydrated and makes it a little more fun to drink water. Who says you have to be at a spa to have fancy water?

7. Or just go with it! Go to an outdoor concert, get all sweaty and enjoy the heat of the night!

Fall and Winter are just around the corner and will be here soon, until then, this video made me laugh.

Stay inside and blast that A/C so you can get a $400 electric bill and watch this movie! 

Have a good start to the week and stay cool! 

sweat stains and birkenstocks,

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